About Me

Hi. I'm Andrew Lim and I'm a freelance programmer and game developer based in London. I've worked on several games over the years for Introversion Software including Prison Architect and Scanner Sombre.

This site contains links to things I have worked on, my resume and some games I've made. You can contact me on Twitter - @lim_ak or you can email me - hello-at-limak.dev.

Things I've Worked On

Some games that I have worked on in the past as a freelance programmer.

Prison Architect

General C++ programming work. Most recently I worked on the new escape system released on update 14 (Jun 2018) and the multiplayer update. I also developed the registration and name in game page.

Scanner Sombre

Worked on towards the end of production on bug fixing and optimization.

Uplink iPad

Worked on porting the 2001 game Uplink to Android and iOS. Did performance work to get it running on an iPad 1 and did some UX to adapt the game for touch.

Personal Projects

This some projects I have worked outside of my professional life

Ace In The Hole

A Unity game made during Kenney Jam in 2019 with the theme Unlikely Combinations. Use poker hands to control your golf swing to reach the flag pole. Better hands make your shot more powerful and accurate.

Monobuilder Shipyard

A Unity game made as part of the GMTK Jam in 2019 with the theme Only One. A wave based survival RTS where the factory only makes one type of unit that you modifiy to better fight incoming enemies.

Chess Tactics

A Unity game made for Chess Jam in April of 2018. Inspired by XCOM to add a full and half cover system to as 'normal' a chess game I could think of.

Super Snowball Fight!

A card/board game about people with ice powers having a snowball fight, currently playtesting a new version with a sizable mechanics rework.


You can see my resume standalone at standardresume.co/lim_ak or embedded here.

Freelance Programmer

Work Experience
Introversion Software
Programmer | May, 2011 – Dec, 2018
Primarily worked as a general C++ programmer
Performance and Optimization
QA & Bug fixing
Website development for Prison Architect player registration

Imperial College London
Master of Engineering - Computing | 2006 – 2010

Prison Architect
Dec, 2012 – Dec, 2018
General C++ programming
Most recent work - New escape system released on update 14 (Jun 2018) and the multiplayer update
Campaign scripting using lua
Performance and memory optimization done with Visual Studio's profilers and occasionally VTune
Developed the registration and Name in the game promotion website using GWT, PHP and SQL

Scanner Sombre
Oct, 2016 – Dec, 2017
Bug fixing and optimization for April '17 launch
Optimizations done using the Unity profiler
Post launch work for the VR release of the game

Uplink Tablet
Worked as part of small team to port Uplink to Android and iOS
Performance work to get it running on an iPad 1
Adapted UI/UX from desktop controls to touch

Humble Introversion Bundle
Nov, 2011
Worked with existing internal prototypes to release as bundle exclusive
Polish work to take them from prototypes to release for a wider audience
Removed the game elements from Subversion (a cancelled game), to release the city generation as a standalone

Tools - Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, Unity, SVN, Git, Mantis
Languages - C++, C#, Lua, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL


The best way to contact me is to send me a message on Twitter - @lim_ak or you can email me - hello-at-limak.dev.